Tuesday, March 31, 2015

week 15 | march 31, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 15 weeks 
Baby is the size of:  an apple
Total weight gain: loss of 0.6 { 119.2 to 118.6 } - total gain 8.6
Maternity clothes? pants here and there but that's it for now
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: crap! liv broke out with pneumonia and bronchitis of the lung branches so she wasn't sleeping AT ALL. and then I was laying awake worrying about her breathing getting too shallow so needless to say I wasn't sleeping!

Best moment this week: when I told liv she's going to have a brother or sister to play with she said "for meeeee?" then hugged my belly and said "thank you mom!" - I think she's excited to have someone new to play with! hope it stays this way!
Movement: GIGANTIC kick the other day... I was turning in bed the wrong way or something and the baby kicked and I thought it was liv kicking me on the outside but he feet were nowhere near me... that was from inside!!

Showing? i wore a tight fitting shirt to work this week and walked into the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror and was like woah! i could totally tell from the front even.
Food cravings:  j alexanders chicken fingers with honey mustard... still, frappachinos (had my first caffeinated one!), chocolate shake...cheese fries, cheese burgers... lots of BAD food!

Anything making you queasy or sick: eggs, cooking meat, banana
Gender prediction: i think im thinking girl... and afraid to say it!
Labor Signs: no way
Symptoms:  itchy tummy, zits, always cold, bloody gums, headaches... the list is actually dwindling!! hooray! I'm having more energy! minus this god awful cold that I've had for 10 days!!!

Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? ON

Feelings:  very very anxious for my appointment and our anniversary! :)

Looking forward to: one more week! one more week! then i'll know if im having a him or a her!!

I just love this girl and can't get enough of her. I wish i could just clone her. She's perfect in every way.

 I got lots of comments today that i popped! a tight shirt doesn't help, let's be honest!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

week 14 | march 24, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 14 weeks 
Baby is the size of:  a lemon
Total weight gain: gain of 1.4 { 117.8 to 119.2 } - total gain 9.2
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing my jeans and 1 pair of work pants this week! ahhhh!!! so much more comfy!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: decent this week

Best moment this week: Either when Liv said she wanted to 'nuggle' with the baby or when I got my raise at work! Yahoo!
Movement: HUGE kick on Thursday! Biggest yet... it was awesome!!

Showing? still really depends on the day
Food cravings:  j alexanders chicken fingers with honey mustard

Anything making you queasy or sick: eggs, cooking meat
Gender prediction: girl. I took the baking soda test and it said girl
Labor Signs: no way
Symptoms:  fatigue, hungry, nausea here and there, shortness of breath, constipation, bloat, sore and bigger boobs, bloody nose, heavy feeling in my pelvis and difficulty turning in bed or getting up because of that, itchy tummy, burning hip when I lay on my side, zits, BAD ligament pain... sneezing sucks!! Lots of GAS! I'm starting to have some more energy and feeling less complete exhaustion - yay! Always cold. Bloody gums. THE LIST IS GROWING! Ack! Itchy tummy!!! dizzy, headaches, heartburn, slight allergies (I think), sensitive tummy to spicy foods (why?!? Wahhh)
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? ON

Feelings:  so happy that my first trimester screen came back within normal limits!!! I can breathe... this screen with liv, came back with screwy thyroid stuff - man was the stressful! Can't believe it's the second trimester!

Looking forward to: finding out what this babe is!!!!

Kinda gross I know, but I wanted to see if it REALLY worked! If it's a boy it will bubble like pop. If it's a girl, it won't do much of anything. Based on my experiment, it looks like a GIRL!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

week 13 | march 17, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 13 weeks 
Baby is the size of:  a small peach
Total weight gain: gain of .8 { 117 to 117.8 } - total gain 7.8
Maternity clothes? I pulled out my maternity jeans! they're so comfy!!! I think I'm going to be wearing them soon and might go get some new ones too since we can wear jeans at work now.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: lots of hip pain so that's rough and i always find myself on my back and it's driving me nuts! I don't even know I'm doing it.

Best moment this week: Obviously seeing our littlest lite and hearing that everything is looking perfect. It's actually looking like a baby which is SO exciting. And seeing Liv get so excited about seeing the baby just melts my heart. She's so excited to be a big sister and she's going to be a great one!
Movement: I have been making myself crazy the past couple days trying to feel it cuz I've been thinking I haven't been feeling it as much. But I just have to remind myself that the baby is still too small and I shouldn't really be able to feel anything yet anyways. lil booger!

Showing? someone at work said I have a tiny bump... so i think maybe it's getting to be more obvs.
Food cravings:  lil cesar's crazy bread! coffee frappes

Anything making you queasy or sick: chicken tortilla soup. lol
Gender prediction: Liv is set on boy, for sure. maybe a girl based on our US?
Labor Signs: no way
Symptoms:  fatigue, hungry, nausea here and there, shortness of breath, constipation, bloat, sore and bigger boobs, bloody nose, heavy feeling in my pelvis and difficulty turning in bed or getting up because of that, itchy tummy, burning hip when I lay on my side, zits, BAD ligament pain... sneezing sucks!! Lots of GAS! I'm starting to have some more energy and feeling less complete exhaustion - yay! Always cold. Bloody gums. THE LIST IS GROWING! Ack! Itchy tummy!!!
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? ON

Feelings:  Feeling good about things. I think my Young Living business will start to pick up a little bit here which will really ease some of my stress about money and that will free me. My goal is to be bringing in an additional $200-300 more a month from my YL business by the time the babe is here. I owe a big thank you to my dear friends Sierra and Erikka for helping me. Love you both!

Looking forward to: This winter being over. The weather has been a lot nicer this past weekend which was a huge relief! While I'm looking forward to summer, I'm also a little hesitant to say that because this is our last months with Liv by herself and then the babe will be there. I'm just trying to soak up my little Livvy as much as I can. I love that girl more than life itself and hope she knows that this baby won't ever change that. EVER. 

I just love these two babies of mine.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

first trimester screen

Today was my first trimester screen and it was perfect! I left there feeling like a million bucks. I have this perfect little angel growing in my belly. It's just so crazy to see the US pics of this tiny little person that I don't know and to think I was in this same situation with Liv and as soon as I saw her the first time it was like I already knew her. It's just weird to think that I'll feel the same way with this babe - I don't know him or her yet, BUT, I guess I already do, just don't know what it looks like (or if it's a boy or a girl).

The US tech was so pleased with the placement of the lil babe. It was in perfect positioning for the test. She said the neck skin looked good and we got to see the umbilical cord, head, hands, heart, tummy and feet. Babe was jumping around after we woke it up, I could REALLY feel it moving around. We were poking it a lot and all it wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. It kept putting it's hands by it's face like it was rubbing it's eyes or something. It also looked like it was waving and Liv got so excited and started waving at the monitor and said "hi baby!" When she saw it's tummy, she said "ohhh baby's hungry and wants milk." SO CUTE! She's going to be the best big sister. The heart rate was 156 today. Babe is measuring big, at 12w4d... 3 days ahead. Not enough to move my due date but September 19th might be more accurate. The tech also gave us her best guess of the gender. She said "if I had to guess right now, I would guess girl". That is based on the tilt of the baby's pelvis, it has nothing to do with the sex organs as they both look the same right now considering they're newly developing and swollen. CRAZY!!!!

Liv got her own copy of the US and was SO excited to tell the doc about her baby. She was being quiet and asked, "I want to talk" and looked at Dr. Bansore. So I said okay, and she told Dr. that this is the baby in mommy's tummy and it's growing! She was so proud to show her the picture of the babe. :)

Dr. gave me my results from my last blood test today (not sure why she waited) but I'm low in iron (not new) and low in vitamin D3. Which I looked up what that can mean and it's scary. Possible retardation if I'm really deficient (which she said I was only slightly) and preeclampsia in second half of the pregnancy. This might explain why I've been so cold this pregnancy. This babe is taking every ounce of Iron I have! Needless to say, I'm marching my butt right over to whole foods to get some good vitamins.

Here's our little babe :))

Bru asked how big the baby actually is and the US tech pulled out this cute little baby. Crazy to think it's the big but really still SO small!

Liv loved it and just wanted to keep it!

week 12 | march 10, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 12 weeks 
Baby is the size of:  a plum
Total weight gain: loss of .4 { 117.4 to 117 } - total gain 7
Maternity clothes? nada
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: definitely a lot more dreaming! vivid dreaming! so I think im getting more restful sleep. yay!

Best moment this week: Liv kissed my tummy and said "you're beautiful baby" - - she really loves this babe. she talks to it, rubs it, kisses it. She accidently elbowed it the other night and felt TERRIBLE about it and wouldn't stop crying. I had to tell her the babe was going to be ok and she didn't hurt it in order for her to calm down and stop crying. my sweet child.
Movement: mainly when I sit down on the couch after awhile.

Showing? depends... I woke up one morning this week with my flat normal tummy, it was weird. but my gas is so bad that I blow up like a bull frog and look REALLY pregs. or after a meal. it's funny.
Food cravings:  poptarts! Bacon! oreos!

Anything making you queasy or sick: meat kinda grosses me out.
Gender prediction: I go back and forth. no clue!
Labor Signs: no way
Symptoms:  fatigue, hungry, nausea here and there, shortness of breath, constipation, bloat, sore and bigger boobs, bloody nose, heavy feeling in my pelvis and difficulty turning in bed or getting up because of that, itchy tummy, burning hip when I lay on my side, zits, BAD ligament pain... sneezing sucks!! Lots of GAS! I'm starting to have some more energy and feeling less complete exhaustion - yay! Always cold.
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? ON

Feelings:  mixed emotions about adding another baby. I'm so excited but also nervous about changing the dynamic of our family. I just worry that my little love will be out of sorts. but then I think about how excited she will be to have someone to play with. im just praying for another little angel like Liv... she's such a sweet and good little person, I don't want anything to take away from that. I don't want her to feel resentment or jealousy or anything like that. I just feel bad about that.

Looking forward to: feeling excited to see our little munchkin on Wednesday!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Baby's Room

I'm so beyond excited to find out if we're having a little boy or girl this time around! After we moved, we put all of the bins from our storage unit in the baby's room for the time being. I have been dreaming about getting all the bins out, painting and decorating! It's a tiny room which is fine and probably better since this time around I am on a tight decorating budget. We will be moving most of Liv's furniture into the baby's room... the crib and matching dresser and night stand. The baby will also be getting the glider which is gray and cream chevron so I already know I will be working with gray, cream and black. I haven't decided on what other colors I'd like to incorporate yet.

I'm having a really hard time giving Liv's crib to the babe tho. She LOVES her crib and doesn't climb out! I know it will be best to transition her to her big bed BEFORE the babe arrives but I want her to be ready... the babe will sleep in our room for a couple months anyways I'm assuming sooooo I hate to push Liv out of something she loves. It just breaks my heart. Also partly because it means my baby is growing up and once out of the crib, she won't go back. WAHHHHH!

Anyways, here are some pins that I really like...

Boy Babe |

I'm really digging the rustic look right now... not sure if that will change as I start getting into it, but right now it looks pretty awesome.

Girl Babe |

I love the random, pieced together look. And considering I won't have a huge budget, this might just work for me! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

week 11 | march 3, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 11 weeks 
Baby is the size of:  a lime
Total weight gain: gain of 1lb { 116.4 to 117.4 } - total gain 7.4
Maternity clothes? nope but ive been looking online for some cute clothes. I think im going to have to invest in more maternity clothes this time since im bigger already.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: it was bad for a couple days there cuz liv was sick and got me sick so we were all sleeping together which consisted of a lot of sniffling and moaning. poor girl. but im at the tail end of the cold here and seem to be sleeping a lot better, better than I have in weeks. im actually dreaming!!

Best moment this week: ummm... honestly, this was a crappy week. I guess just reminding myself that I have a little babe growing in my tummy. the thought always brightens my world!
Movement: yup, sporadic little karate kicks 

Showing? this week someone at work asked a kate if i am pregs... so it's obvious some days!
Food cravings:  Jason's deli. I was so bad and ate deli turkey three times this week. I'm Obsessed with the California club from there... it's amazing. but then I started reading a bunch of stuff on listeria and started freaking myself out.
Anything making you queasy or sick: ummm... nothing that comes to mind really... things here and there turn me off tho

Gender prediction: feeling fugly... maybe another girl?
Labor Signs: no way
Symptoms:  fatigue, hungry, nausea here and there, shortness of breath, constipation, bloat, sore and bigger boobs, bloody nose, round ligament pains, heavy feeling in my pelvis and difficulty turning in bed or getting up because of that
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? ON

Feelings:  feeling less and less nauseous which is amazing! hope it stays that way
Looking forward to: being able to use my oils again. it's been really hard this cold not being able to use our oils. second trimester!