Tuesday, August 18, 2015

35 weeks | august 18, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 35 weeks
Baby is the size of:  a coconut
Total weight gain: loss of .2 { 142.2 to 142 } - total gain 32 - i actually lost .2lbs this week which is weird because i thought babe was supposed to start packin on the weight
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: whats that? i wake up with huge bags under my eyes like i havent slept in days... it sucks.
Best moment this week: just spending time with my girl and soaking up the last few weeks with just her... this is a hard place to be, i feel like im in limbo with my emotions. im so excited to see how she's going to react to her sister, but also so scared. i don't want adding a sister to crush livs amazing soul. I really think it's only going to bring out an even more incredible side to her that we would've never seen if we didn't give her a sibling, but there's still always that fear in my head that you just don't know what kind of child you're going to get. I had these same fears with liv, just wondering what kind of baby/person she was going to be... but then i look at her, and she's so so so much more than i could've EVER imagined. Elle will be the same.
Anything making you queasy or sick: just been kinda queasy lately, not sure why.
Labor Signs: just more contractions all weekend... i just keep pushing thru them tho!
Symptoms:  heartburn! hard to breath and catch my breath. legs get super tired after a little walking or a few stairs! feets hurt from this extra 30lbs!!! line is showing up a tad. tight tight tummy. hot hands (so weird). itchy! EXHAUSTED... dunno if it's the heat or nearing the end, but i am seriously. tired. contractions...what else is new.
Belly Button in or out?  out
Wedding rings on or off? one on at a time

Feelings:  mixed emotions as the end nears. excited. scared. worried. anxious. nervous. curious. wondrous. i just worry about how labor and delivery is going to go. it was so easy with liv and i feel like almost all aspects of this pregnancy have been a little tougher for me and just hope that labor and delivery wont follow suit. I've really been trying to get everything done for livs party, pack my bag, finish elles room, hang stuff in livs [new] room (finally), stay on top of work, all while trying to spend as much quality time with liv as possible. it's just hard hard hard. most days i just want to cry because theres so much on top of feeling kinda shitty most days. i'm just being an emotional baby and need to get over it!
Looking forward to: my last day of work! 8 more days! and not being so uncomfortable anymore... i love my belly and all it stands for but it's just getting hard to do anything. and i don't even think im that big. however, im not looking forward to the recovery and responsibilities of breastfeeding. i just know how much work it was with liv and im getting worried. hopefully it will be much much smoother with elle. 

It's funny, people have recently said to me, wow you must be due soon huh? or wow, when are you due! blah blah blah... makes me laugh cuz this belly isn't THAT big!

Me and my baby :)
Friday dates with my girl are the best <3
holy belly!
love that belly!
This girl... reminds me of the commerical where the dad is actually looking at his 16 year old daughter behind the wheel but sees his little baby like this. makes me blubber thinking about her being 16. wahhhhh

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