Essential Oiling

You're probably wondering what's all the hype around these essential oils, am I right? Well let me just tell you, they are one of the best things that have ever happened to me!

These oils are 100% pure, therapeutic grade oils. You may have seen other oils for sale at health food stores that are at a lower price point compared to Young Living, and the reason for this is our oils are 100% oil. Those other oils have fillers in them (either another type of oil or sometimes chemicals or perfume...eww!) and therefore they are not as potent as ours and in turn, can be sold for much less. Young Living oils go a long way and really work!

This is the YL site where you can watch some videos and read some articles to get familiar with how these oils are made, what they're capable of, etc.

YL quality is unmatchable because of their Seed to Seal Guarantee. Check it out!

Here's some info on the Everyday Oils which are the ones that are the most versatile and my 'go to' oils - a great way to get started with oils and figure out how to incorporate them into your every day life.

Here's the full product guide, where you can see all the cool stuff Young Living has to offer.

Here's a link to our oily family blog that is a great walk through of what getting started with oils entails.!YL-Essential-Oils-101/cyce/551d7ad10cf21d84af7279d8 

If you're interested in getting started, you can sign up as a retail customer and pay full price for individual oils or you can sign up as a 'distributor' and get 24% off for life!

If you'd like the discount, you have to sign up for a membership with the one time purchase of a starter kit. The Premium Starter Kit ($160) is the most popular kit because it includes the TEN Everyday Oils (the ones I referenced above), a bonus oil, a diffuser and other cool things. The kit is valued at over $325 because the diffuser alone is $98! When you become a member as a 'distributor' there is no monthly requirement to buy or sell.

When signing up, just be sure to choose either 'retail' (for no discount) or 'wholesale' member (for the discount)  and to select "no, thank you" for the Essential Rewards (ER) option on the wholesale sign up page. If you'd like to possibly work the business side of Young Living once your up and running and see the earning potential, you can always add ER at a later date (and then you actually get out of having to buy the ER kit all together!). But do note, that when you sign up for ER you will have to fulfill a personal monthly order of 50PV (roughly $50). We can talk more about this if you choose to go down this path.

Please let me know what questions you have and I'm happy to answer them all! I know that was A LOT of info!

Oh! And I have a pretty cool sign up gift if you get the Premium Starter Kit! It will help get you on your oily way! See below. :)

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