Thursday, September 3, 2015

To : My Sweet Elle Belle

My sweet little girl,

I can't believe the crazy array of emotions I am feeling these last few weeks as your arrival nears. They're pretty much all the same things I was feeling when I was at the end with your big sister as well, only this time I have her to worry about too! I just can't believe that me and your daddy got so lucky to be blessed with TWO little girls. I mean seriously, what did I do to deserve this? When we found out you were a girl, I cried tears of pure joy as I sat on the table at the doctor's office. I just couldn't believe I got so lucky!

With that, I'm so excited to meet you and love you. And super excited to see just how much your sister is going to LOVE you. I'm also going to die over the outpouring of love I will see as your daddy loves and melts over TWO baby girls. Oh my gosh! I can see it now and my heart is a puddle.

I'm also getting sad thinking that my Ellie Belly is going to be gone soon! In some aspects it feels like I've been pregnant for EVER and in others it feels like it has flown by. Especially since you will probably be my last babe, I'm trying to soak this time with you in as much as I can, regardless of the ups and downs I've had this time.

You have definitely been a VERY active babe and I will miss feeling you in my belly. There have been quite a few times where you have blown me away with your movements and I'm hoping this won't be any taste of what's to come when you're out of my belly! I hope you will be a little more calm than that but we'll see! You are scared of the ice machine and when my tummy growls, it's really funny watching you jump at the noise. I love to just sit and watch my belly contort into all different shapes, you're always trying to get comfy. It makes me happy to know you're flourishing in there. Even the ultrasound tech and doctor were always amazed by watching you move around in there!

I just want you to know, you are already loved so much by all of us, especially your big sister. When I'm away from her for awhile and she sees my belly, she gives you a big squeeze and kiss and says how much she missed you. I just know you two are gonna the best of friends. <3


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