Tuesday, June 16, 2015

week 26 | june 16, 2015 | littlest lite

How far along? 26 weeks

Baby is the size of:  a head of lettuce
Total weight gain: loss of 0.6 { 132.4 to 131.8 } - total gain 21.8
Maternity clothes? yah mainly maternity except jammies or a piece here or there
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: good for the most part except Monday night when we cleaned up the flood from 11:30pm (when we got home from game) until he sent me to bed at 3:30am. Ack!
Best moment this week: watching the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup!!!!!! I still can't believe we got to be there!!!!! and then came home to our basement completely flooded :( Such a buzz kill.
Food cravings:  all the same! bacon. cheeseburgers. chocolate. cold stuff. coffee. taco bell. strawberry lemonade (regular and frozen). tomato. salad. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: nah
Labor Signs: just been having braxton hicks 
Symptoms:  went to the dentist so my teeth are feeling better! just feeling lazy
Belly Button in or out?  looking pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on for now

Feelings:  completely overwhelmed with the flood. our house is an absolute mess. there are messes in every freakin room! it's stressing me the f out!
Looking forward to: our trip to sheboygan! even though i can't even think about walking away from this mess here, i think it will be good for me to clear my head. i need to get away even if it's for a day.

We had alot going on this week... lots of pics!

Daddy had an early game so we could actually go watch him!

morning snuggles :)
on the tiny potty at the mall... no pee but still cute!
breakfast with mimi and grams...i know i look like poop but she's cute!
giving the rose a shower
first day playing in her 'new pink pool'
she randomly came up to me and said she wanted to give sissy milk and she thinks my belly button is sissy's mouth. LOL
and then she couldn't resist smooching her
i was garage saling for a gold floor lamp and found this one at an moving estate sale... the guy was a pharmacist and had so much cool old drugs and stuff in his house. this lamp rocks... hoping it didn't get wet enough in the flood to hurt it... it has an awesome dim feature and will be perfect for the babe's room.
i love how she loves to snuggle with her sissy
we narrowed the paint colors down for babe's room... i think we're going with the lighter one. it's hard to tell here but they are true grays...not brownish.
Good luck kisses before mom and dad left for game six of the finals!
wish we could've taken peanut with us... she would've died!
can't believe we were there!

this little girl's first hawks game!!
they did it!!!!! and we were there?! whaaaaaat!
Michelle, Nick, Will and Gina were all there too! missed Manda but she was in florida... womp womp!
so much excitement!!!
meanwhile, this was happening at our house...we left at 4 and this happened at 4:30...and we didn't get home till 11:30 - so frustrating. Not to mention, the village is going to be installing a water pipe in this exact spot in july/aug to prevent this. and i just found out the previous owner declined the village's offer to complete this project when she lived here... im so pissed this never got fixed and that this rain couldn't come after this project that we've had slated since February.
my back door is over off in the right corner of the patio and goes right down into the basement...ALLLLLL that water right down into my basement. :(
you can see based on the water line on the door, just how high the water got.
everything is a disaster... this is a nightmare. i just thank god it wasn't sewage. Baby's new nightstand! wahhhhh
it's like we just moved in again... we have 12 fans and 2 dehumidifiers running 
my poor rugs... stanley steemer is helping us out with drying and cleaning thank gosh.
our wedding books, baby books, recipe books... all got wet. :(

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