Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Reveal Party!

Baby Lite's BIG Reveal
Saturday, May 5th, 2012
The night of the 'Supermoon'

We had such an exciting time at our reveal party! The suspense had been killing us for a week... looking at that envelope sitting on our table. Finally, the day had come when we could find out!

As you can see we both wore blue. I had decided weeks before I was on team blue but Bru wasn't going to decide until the day of. When it came time to get dressed he pulled out a blue shirt...I was hoping he'd pick pink so we'd have both bases covered! No such luck, we were in consensus...and WRONG-O!
There were little things here and there that made us both believe it was a boy. When the US tech was so quick and sure she'd determined the sex...we just thought boys are easier to tell so it had to be a boy! The way I'm carrying also made me think boy. BUT I should've just gone with my instinct and wore pink. In the very beginning I felt it was a girl, I had dreams back then and recently that all told me girl. The heart rate is high which tends to mean girl. When I dropped off the envelope at the baker and I walked out with visions of pink cake in my head. I've been saying Alivia, Alivia, Alivia over and over in my head lately... why didn't I just listen?!
I know why, I wanted a boy for my dad - a little stud hockey player.
Because I had mentally prepared and envisioned life with a boy (naturally, considering the baby MUST play hockey) I was completely shocked when I saw pink inside that cake. My brain was fooling me by telling myself it was going to be blue and when it saw pink I was so confused! Not in any way, shape or form was I or Bru disappointed or unhappy with the outcome, just thrown for a loop!

We could not be MORE excited to have a little baby girl. I've always wanted a girl, not only to dress up in cute little clothes, but for Brian. He is the most incredible friend and husband, I know he is going to make the BEST daddy... particularly to a little girl. I can see it now... he will be wrapped around he little finger so tightly. It's already happening and I love it. <3
Thank you to those who came to our party, we were so happy we could share this special moment with you!


We can't wait any longer!!

Bru and Nana

Aunt Kiki

Aunt Katy

We think boyyyyyy!

Von, Bell and Soph

Grammie, Grampie and Von

Auntie A+ and Uncle D-

Papa confused on boy or girl


Grams and Gramps

Me and Michelle - 5 months preggo


Uncle Matty

What color is inside?!?

Time to cut the cake!!!

purty cupcakes

diggin' in!

AHHHH IT'S PINK!!!!!!!!!


Honey, you're gonna have a little girl!!

I don't see the little "hamburger"!

Proud parents of a little baby girlie :)

YUMMIEST cake ever!

TEAM BLUE (losers!)

TEAM PINK (winners!)

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