Wednesday, March 11, 2015

first trimester screen

Today was my first trimester screen and it was perfect! I left there feeling like a million bucks. I have this perfect little angel growing in my belly. It's just so crazy to see the US pics of this tiny little person that I don't know and to think I was in this same situation with Liv and as soon as I saw her the first time it was like I already knew her. It's just weird to think that I'll feel the same way with this babe - I don't know him or her yet, BUT, I guess I already do, just don't know what it looks like (or if it's a boy or a girl).

The US tech was so pleased with the placement of the lil babe. It was in perfect positioning for the test. She said the neck skin looked good and we got to see the umbilical cord, head, hands, heart, tummy and feet. Babe was jumping around after we woke it up, I could REALLY feel it moving around. We were poking it a lot and all it wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. It kept putting it's hands by it's face like it was rubbing it's eyes or something. It also looked like it was waving and Liv got so excited and started waving at the monitor and said "hi baby!" When she saw it's tummy, she said "ohhh baby's hungry and wants milk." SO CUTE! She's going to be the best big sister. The heart rate was 156 today. Babe is measuring big, at 12w4d... 3 days ahead. Not enough to move my due date but September 19th might be more accurate. The tech also gave us her best guess of the gender. She said "if I had to guess right now, I would guess girl". That is based on the tilt of the baby's pelvis, it has nothing to do with the sex organs as they both look the same right now considering they're newly developing and swollen. CRAZY!!!!

Liv got her own copy of the US and was SO excited to tell the doc about her baby. She was being quiet and asked, "I want to talk" and looked at Dr. Bansore. So I said okay, and she told Dr. that this is the baby in mommy's tummy and it's growing! She was so proud to show her the picture of the babe. :)

Dr. gave me my results from my last blood test today (not sure why she waited) but I'm low in iron (not new) and low in vitamin D3. Which I looked up what that can mean and it's scary. Possible retardation if I'm really deficient (which she said I was only slightly) and preeclampsia in second half of the pregnancy. This might explain why I've been so cold this pregnancy. This babe is taking every ounce of Iron I have! Needless to say, I'm marching my butt right over to whole foods to get some good vitamins.

Here's our little babe :))

Bru asked how big the baby actually is and the US tech pulled out this cute little baby. Crazy to think it's the big but really still SO small!

Liv loved it and just wanted to keep it!

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